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The Blessing of the Man Who Worships the Living God


“ 6 Oh come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord, our Maker! 7 For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture, and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice, 8 do not harden your hearts, as at Meribah, as on the day at Massah in the wilderness,”

The Psalms serve us both as a picture and a pointer.  They are a picture for us of the faith of those who delight in God’s Word.  In all variety of circumstances, and in all the emotions of life, the psalms teach us how to pray to God and how to stand on the promises of His Word.  Indeed, the psalms could almost be called the scrapbook of faith, a collection believers’ expression of their faith in the living God.  

But very importantly, the Psalms also point us to the one in whom all our faith is in, the Lord Jesus Christ.  He is God’s anointed one, the Son of God who reigns over all the earth and the one who blesses those who take refuge in him.  The Psalms lead us to the blessing of faith in Jesus, and Psalm 95 in particular gives us the invitation to worship the living God.

In these verses we are invited by God to feel the weight of His glory.  He is our Maker and our Savior.  How vital it is for us to feel the worth of God beyond all that would bow to or worship.  How essential it is for us to remember that He is our God, and that all we desire, think, and feel is to be brought under the reality of who God is.  We are also invited to trust in His care for us as sheep he has purchased with the blood of His Son.    How counter-cultural it is to daily consider how our hope lies not in what we possess, but rather in the one who has taken possession of us through Jesus Christ. We invited to remember continually whose we are in the gospel.

And crucially, this invitation involves not only the lifting of our hands in praise, and the remembering of the care God gives, but our bowing down before him and listening to his voice.  He is the God not only to whom we speak to, but the God who takes the initiative to speak to us.  Our worship of God must lead to our willingness to bow before him to hear His Word, the Scriptures.  Listening to his voice will not always lead us to hear what we want to hear, but it will always lead us hear what we need to hear from God.

 If we will worship God, by seeing his worth, trusting in his care, and listening to his voice, we will able to see the days of our lives becoming like the pages of the Psalms.  Today, as we hear his voice in the Scriptures, will we see His Worth, will we trust his care, will we listen to His voice?

Tony Loseto
